There are plenty of reasons why I should have a therapist on speed dial. 

My dad died before I turned 30; I’m a stepmom to a (wonderful) little girl named Fiona; I recently got professionally downsized; and oh, yeah, there’s a global pandemic happening for which my city was the first to mandate shelter in place. But, I promise, I’m not whining.

When life gives you lemons, make a seasonal citrus snack. 

Don’t get me wrong, there have been times when therapy has helped me. But overall, I’m a glass-half-full, high-energy, low anxiety, she/her identifying cis female who loves to eat tacos and most things that come out of my kitchen. Plus, therapy is expensive, especially when you’re living in one of the world’s priciest cities. 

I live in The Sunset District of San Francisco with my boyfriend and his daughter (part-time). Here the weather is surprisingly sunny—great for the mood—even though San Francisco’s west-most, Pacific-Ocean-within-walking-distance neighborhood has a reputation for being particularly foggy and cold. 

Or Grill Those Lemons.

I’m a communications marketer by trade, which means I know how to message you out of a crisis and build a better brand. I’ve experienced the joy of launching Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty, creating the made-for-TV Kingsford Invitational, destigmatizing autonomous drive technology for Nissan, and doubling the membership of the only place to find connecting hotel rooms and suites.

My food brand work allowed me to partner with some true kitchen and barbecue legends, which means I’ve grilled a few lemons in my day. I’ve also gleaned a few tricks for recipe development and menu planning and have even cooked and party planned for multiple San Francisco families. So, maybe what I’m saying is you should have me on speed dial.

The kitchen has always been my happy place.

My dad used to call me “Laura Cooker” or “Cookie” for short. The year our family got our first microwave oven we made microwave chocolate pudding together. But I have my mom to thank for most of my kitchen prowess and cooking with her always puts a smile on my face.

That’s why I’d like to share my best-kept secrets for staying happy, dining deliciously, and living well. In return, I’d love to hear from you about what you’re eating or what’s eating you.

Hi, I’m Laura. This is me eating tacos in Mexico City’s Lincoln Park.

Hi, I’m Laura. This is me eating tacos in Mexico City’s Lincoln Park.

Squeezing grilled lemons with food writers and a colleague to make smoky, spiked lemonade at a Kingsford charcoal editor event in Decatur, Ala.

Squeezing grilled lemons with food writers and a colleague to make smoky, spiked lemonade at a Kingsford charcoal editor event in Decatur, Ala.

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner with my mom at her home in Iowa.

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner with my mom at her home in Iowa.